

Chhomrong is a village in the Annapurna area of Nepal and famous night stopover for those going to Annapurna sanctuary trek. It is a short destination that can be reached from central Pokhara. Public and private vehicles can be found from Pokhara to Jhinu Danda. From Jhinu it is a 1 ...

Hidden Lake

The hidden lake is situated at an altitude of 4250 m. It is one of the newly opened trails in the Annapurna region. The glacier hidden lake offers a scenic view of Annapurna, Machapuchare, Gangapurna, and Hiunchuli. There are various routes to reach the hidden lake. The most common ...

Panchase Orchids

Orchids are one of the largest plant families in Nepal. About 506 species are distributed throughout the country and 142 wild species within 52 genera are reported from the Panchase forest. The most abundant genera of Orchids in the Panchase area of Annapurna Rural Municipality are ...

Lhosar in Annapurna Rural Municipality

Lhosar is a major festival of Annapurna Rural Municipality. ‘Lho’ means group and ‘sar’ means new. Gurung community divides time into a cycle of 12 years and to each year a special name is given, which is known as ‘barga’ (Lho). According to the oriental astrological sys ...

Nature and Wildlife Facts

As many as 128 species of wild mammals representing 9 orders, 27 families  have been recorded in the Annapurna Conservation Area. Seven species of mammals, new to Nepal recorded in this region were Steppe Polecat; Kasmir Musk Deer; Tibetan Gazelle; Pallas’s Cat; Kiang; Wolf a ...